

About Contemporary Magick, 現代魔術について

Invocation Of The Beast 911

An episode on RWB Baphomet

From: Poetic Sorcery [2023]


When my longtime friend and fellow brother of a magical fraternity asked me to design "Porsche 911 as Baphomet," I shuddered at the prospect of the task and hesitated as to whether or not to accept it. I've known him for ages, as a psychiatrist, mixed martial artist, and tattooist. So, I could intuitively understand what he meant by "Baphomet," but visualising and materialising it was undoubtedly a "Big Deal."

Baphomet is a pagan deity worshipped in the rituals of the Knights Templar, who were annihilated by the Inquisition in 14th-century France. Today, the "satanic" image of Baphomet, generally recognised for its goat-like form, phallus and breasts, torch and strange hand signs, was depicted by the French mystic Eliphas Levi in the 19th century. Many narratives of Baphomet have evolved and scattered across a wide range of contemporary occult contexts, and there now exist diverse and profound interpretations of Baphomet among Thelemites, Satanists, chaos magicians, and modern witches.

Through my lifelong commitment to some Thelemic fraternities and small groups of chaos magic, and friendships with honourable witches and exceptionally intellectual Satanists, I understand Baphomet as a symbol of the "Planet Life Force." It is metaphysical yet natural, akin to atomic energy. It represents a beastly energy flux that also runs through plants, flowers, and seeds. It's the red magma that flows through my entire body, Shakti, and also a source of gravity and radiation, embodying the hidden nature of Choronzon, the "false devil," who awaits the magician in the cocaine desert of DAATH, the 11th sephira on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

Visualising and embodying this ineffable life force onto the 911 is certainly a "Big Deal". This is essentially the same act that Levi once performed. And this will be the most intimate and dangerous magical tool of my longtime friend, serving as his skin, hooves, heart, leather jacket, coffin, and the sovereign temple of black speed. In this magical endeavour, compromise and deception will immediately bring a clear-cut "destiny" to him and his family. It's a significant undertaking.

To obtain the design of RWB Baphomet, I immersed myself in astral work for a while. I delved into Andrew Chumbley's "Dream Incubation," Crowley's "Vision and Voice," Burroughs' "The Book of Dreams," and Hakim Bey's "Chaos Myths". I practised "Mass of Chaos B (Baphomet)," a psychosomatic ritual well-known to chaos magicians, and Kundalini Yoga on a daily basis. I forced myself to become the doorway to Baphomet.

In the height of summer 2016, shortly after the traditional Japanese holiday period "Bon (Days of the Dead)" had passed, during a persistent and repeated lucid dream exploration, I had an intensely shivering vision (see below). It was like a panoramic exhibition in a cursed museum of dark matter science, revealing how the lines should be drawn on the bewitching body of the 911. I felt this was akin to what happened when H.P. Lovecraft penned the first Cthulhu Mythos or when P.K. Dick wrote his revelatory works from "Albemuth" to "VALIS." This was precisely the aim of this magical work.

While frequently revisiting the vision, I drew lines and constructed magical designs incorporating Enochian spells, numbers, geometry, and some Barbarous Names. After a few exchanges with my friend, we were both convinced that we had reached a composition of light and darkness that could neither be added to nor subtracted from, and we concluded the work.

As a result, The Beast 911 - RWB Baphomet - has, fortunately, not yet suffered major damage and continues to slither viciously and cunningly between the planet's surface and the thin atmosphere, with not a single widow added. On the contrary, pictures of RWB Baphomet have been shared worldwide, giving many people awe and ecstasy, and still continuing to replicate itself in many forms, from 3D models for VR to 1/64 scale toy cars by enthusiasts across the globe. We never imagined this when we created it. I must say that the magical work - Invocation of Baphomet - was "successful."

Spring Equinox, 2023


On a planet far beyond our multiverse, a bizarre ecosystem has evolved. The creatures on this planet resemble Earth's dinosaurs, but their bodies are made of strange elements that function as bones, feathers, and blades simultaneously. They are the apex predators of their food chain, with an emotional system that makes no distinction between love and hate. The energy transformations they carry out in their ecosystem are unimaginable and incomprehensible from an Earthly perspective. Simply put, they consume gravitational/repulsive forces of photons and excrete topological 'causality' of the time axis, as memory or fate-like energy patterns.

Earth's shamans occasionally have visions of these weird dragons and call them Tiamat or Baphomet. The periodic earthquakes that occur on this dragon's planet, which lead to devastating destruction of the planet's ecosystem, generate gravity waves that periodically strike Earth as quantum tsunamis. Shamans, magicians, and witches have perceived these quantum tsunamis and created rituals and spells of awe and ecstasy. One of these spells is



More about RWB Baphomet:
Satanic RWB Porsche 911 "Baphomet" Shows Up at Tokyo Rauh-Welt Begriff Meet By: Andrei Tutu |
“RWB Baphomet: Drive With The Devil” BY Mark Riccioni |
RWB Baphomet on Instagram
